On-Campus Housing Available for Students Enrolled in Summer Session Classes

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 14, 2016) — Students planning to take classes during Summer Session I or Summer Session II at the University of Kentucky may apply for housing in Woodland Glen II. Housing is available for either session or both, depending on the student’s class schedule.
Woodland Glen II will only be available for summer session students. The residence hall is a two-bedroom suite style.
To apply, students should log on to their myUK portal with their link blue username and password. Students should then select Undergraduate Housing located under the myInfo tab and fill out the summer 2016 housing application.
Summer Session I move-in date will be 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, May 8, and move-out date will be by noon Wednesday, June 8.
Summer Session II move-in date will be 1 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 7, and move-out date will be by noon Friday, Aug. 5.
Students who have a summer internship may also apply to live on campus. For more information, contact summer conference housing at uksch@uky.edu.
More information on summer session housing, including rates and step-by-step instructions, can be found at www.uky.edu/summer.
UK is the University for Kentucky. At UK, we are educating more students, treating more patients with complex illnesses and conducting more research and service than at any time in our 150-year history. To read more about the UK story and how you can support continued investment in your university and the Commonwealth, go to: uky.edu/uk4ky. #uk4ky #seeblue
MEDIA CONTACT: Blair Hoover, 859-257-6398; blair.hoover@uky.edu