Test of UK Alert System Scheduled for Today is Canceled

UK Alert is an emergency notification system designed for use only when an incident disrupts normal campus operations or threatens the immediate health and safety of the campus community. Alerts are issued when a serious crime or other incident (gas leak, tornado warning, etc.) occurs on campus posing a threat that requires immediate action.
All UK students, staff and faculty are registered in UK Alert with their official university email address. The university encourages all UK community members to provide at least one other form of notification, i.e., a cell phone number to receive voice calls and/or text messages.
Information can be updated via the myUK portal. Students can log into myUK and choose the "Student Services" tab where you will find the UKAlert link. Employees should log into myUK, choose the "Employee Self-Service" tab followed by the "UK Accounts & Services" link where you will find the UKAlert link under "UK Services."