UK Police Department Launches Moped Education/Enforcement Campaign

Video by UK Public Relations and Marketing. View a transcript.
LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 11, 2016) — An increase of inappropriate and illegal use of mopeds on the University of Kentucky campus is resulting in UK Police launching an education and enforcement campaign for the remainder of the spring semester. Moped operators not following state laws or campus regulations will be subject to warnings and eventually citations if the warnings are ignored.
Mopeds are not allowed to be driven on sidewalks or in bicycle lanes, and they cannot be parked at bicycle racks on UK's campus. The same rules that apply to motorcycles apply to mopeds — they can be parked in motorcycle spaces on campus.
"This is a safety issue on a number of levels," said UK Police Chief Joe Monroe. "The risk of injury increases for pedestrians and moped drivers alike if they are on sidewalks together, especially during heavy pedestrian travel periods. Also, we want to avoid situations of mopeds with tanks full of gasoline being parked at bicycle racks in close proximity to buildings. That can increase the risk of fire on campus."
Monroe also said UK Police are seeing other examples of moped drivers disregarding legal and safe driving practices, including driving the wrong way on one-way streets; circumventing traffic; having multiple riders on a moped; and not using safety equipment.
Starting today, UK Police are stepping up their efforts to educate the campus community about UK regulations and state laws covering the use of mopeds. Driving mopeds on sidewalks or in bike lanes is against Kentucky vehicle laws, which also require moped drivers to possess a regular driver's license and follow the same laws as any motor vehicle. UK Police plan to focus on moped drivers who violate laws of improper lane usage, careless driving, failure to yield and disregarding traffic regulations.
"As long as moped users operate their vehicles in a legal and responsible manner, they have nothing to worry about," said UK Police Captain Kevin Franklin who is coordinating the education and enforcement effort. "We just want to make sure that they know and understand the driving laws and parking regulations and follow those rules."
For the next two weeks UK Police will issue verbal and written warnings to any moped user in violation of state and local regulations. If violators are students, they could be reported to UK Student Affairs officials, and if they are employees, they could be reported to Human Resources officials. After that time period, violators can expect citations.
UK Parking and Transportation Services will also increase enforcement for mopeds parked in violation of campus parking regulations including being parked at bike racks, near buildings, and on sidewalks.
"We hope members of our campus community as well as visitors who use mopeds will respond quickly to our education campaign and comply with the rules of the road and parking," Monroe said. "Safety is a top priority of the university, and we don't want the illegal or unsafe operation of mopeds to become a risk to maintaining a safe campus environment."
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MEDIA CONTACT: Kathy Johnson, 859-257-3155 or