VIDEO: A Conversation With UK Professor and Author Hannah Pittard
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LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 22, 2016) — While the critics know Hannah Pittard as a talented author, students at the University of Kentucky know her as their teacher.
Pittard, the author of three published novels and one forthcoming, “Atlanta, 1962” (2017), most recently attracted a substantial amount of media attention for "Listen to Me." The UK College of Arts and Sciences assistant professor of English was mentioned in BuzzFeed, The Washington Post and The New York Times for her latest thriller/mystery.
How does Pittard stay humble even as her works draw more and more attention from critics across the country? Why does she choose to keep teaching?
Watch the video above for the answers to those questions so that you can learn more about Hannah Pittard, the person. This video is part of our new monthly UKNow series, “5 Questions with …” The goal is to learn more about the people leading, teaching, healing, discovering and learning at the University of Kentucky.
If you think of someone in our community who you would like to see featured, please email us. Who knows? We might just choose your suggestion for our next “5 Questions with …” conversation on UKNow!
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VIDEO CONTACTS: Amy Jones-Timoney, 859-257-2940,; or Kody Kiser, 859-257-5282,