Holmes Award Nominations Open; EEAA Deadline Extended

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 1, 2013) — Nominations are now being accepted for the 20th annual Sarah Bennett Holmes Awards.


In addition, the University of Kentucky Women’s Forum announces that the deadline for its Employee Educational Assistance Awards has been extended to 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 4.

Nomination forms for the Sarah Bennett Holmes Awards are available at http://www.uky.edu/womensforum/nominate.html. The deadline is Feb. 22.

For 20 years, the Sarah Bennett Holmes Award has been among the most esteemed recognitions bestowed at the University of Kentucky. It was created by the UK Women’s Forum in honor of Sarah Bennett Holmes, a distinguished former dean of women at the University of Kentucky. Holmes championed the rights of women and inspired young female students to persevere in the face of hardship and to pursue their educational and career goals.

Each year, the Sarah Bennett Holmes award recognizes two female UK employees for their contributions to issues that affect women at UK and across the Commonwealth and who promote the growth and well-being of other women. One faculty member and one staff member are recognized through nominations by their peers. Each award recipient receives $1,000.

All Sarah Bennett Holmes nominees are recognized by name at a ceremony during a luncheon to honor these outstanding women. The recipient must be a University of Kentucky employee on March 7, 2013, the date of the luncheon.

Sarah Nikirk, chair of the Women’s Forum, said, “I know there are untold numbers of women on this campus who go above and beyond for this campus and our community. I hope many will consider recognizing a peer or co-worker for this coveted award, and then join us at the awards luncheon.” The nomination process can be found at http://www.uky.edu/womensforum/.  Nominations are open until 5 p.m. Feb. 22, 2013.

The 20th annual Sarah Bennett Holmes Award annual awards luncheon will be Thursday, March 7, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Frank Harris Grand Ballroom of the Student Center. The featured guest speakers for the luncheon are Ann Bassoni, work-life connections coordinator of the Work-Life Office in Human Resources, and Gail Kennedy, arts and outreach librarian in the Special Collections Division of UK Libraries. All nominees are strongly encouraged to attend the luncheon.  Luncheon reservations are $15. Tables for eight may be reserved for $120. The luncheon reservation form is available on the Women’s Forum website at http://www.uky.edu/womensforum/2013%20SBH%20Luncheon%20Reservation%20(4).pdf . Reservations for the luncheon are open until Friday, March 1.

Volunteers are needed for the luncheon.  Contact Marcia Shrout at mshrout@uky.edu if you are interested in volunteering.

If you have questions about the Sarah Bennett Holmes Award or the luncheon, contact Pam McFarland at pamuel2@uky.edu.