Staff Trustee Election Process Begins
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 23, 2013) — The University of Kentucky Staff Senate recently announced that the 2013 election for the staff representative to the university’s Board of Trustees commences today with Staff Trustee 101, a program that provides an overview of the trustee’s role and the election process.
The elected staff trustee will serve from July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2016.
The nomination period for the position runs from March 6 to March 20. All documents, including the official guidelines, nomination form and petition in support, and timeline may be accessed at under “What’s Happening” by clicking on “2013 Election for Staff Representative to the Board of Trustees.”
Verification of candidate eligibility will occur during the nomination period. The staff trustee serves a three-year term. To be eligible to run and serve, one must be a regular, full time, 1.0 FTE staff member with no relatives working at the University of Kentucky and have served for at least one year of continuous employment. (KRS 164.225 states that “no relative of a board of trustee member shall be employed by the university.”)
The campaign period will run from March 28 through May 1, including a candidates’ debate at 1 p.m. April 11, during the regular meeting of the Staff Senate in William T. Young Library. Voting will be conducted from April 17 through May 1 online. Staff members with an FTE of .75 or greater are eligible to vote in the election via the Staff Senate website. An announcement will be made prior to the opening of voting with instructions for staff. Candidates will have the option of using blogs to campaign indirectly through the Staff Senate website. Platform statements and photos of candidates will be posted, as well.
On May 6, official election results will be announced. If a run-off election is necessary, a debate will be held on May 9 during the regular 1 p.m. meeting of the Staff Senate in Young Library. Voting for the run-off election will then run from May 22 through June 5, and election results would be released June 10.
Eligible staff are encouraged to take part in the election process, and questions and comments may be directed to Kean Ashurst, Staff Senate election chair, at or Holly Jones Clark, Staff Senate office coordinator, at
The governance of the University of Kentucky is vested by law in its Board of Trustees. Within the limits set by the state constitution and federal and state laws — the Council on Postsecondary Education in Kentucky has powers and duties that relate to the governance of the University of Kentucky — the Board of Trustees is the final authority in all matters affecting the institution and exercises jurisdiction over the institution's financial, educational, and other policies and its relation with state and federal governments.