Gatton to Offer Negotiations Course in Louisville
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 9, 2012) — Much of human interaction and communication, be it on the personal or professional level, involves negotiation. Yet, many of us have never really thought about how to go about negotiating successfully.
The University of Kentucky's Gatton College of Business and Economics, through its Executive Education Center, is offering a negotiations seminar series to be held in Louisville at the University of Louisville's Delphi Center beginning in September. The ten-week course will be held on Tuesdays from 6 to 9 p.m. starting with the first week's topic, Intro to Negotiations.
Susbsequent sessions will include:
- Fundamentals of the Bargaining Zone
- Win-Win Negotiating
- Supply Chain and Salary Negotiations
- Cognitive Biases and Framing
- Team Negotiations and Dealing with Agents
- Creating Winning Coalitions
- Strategic Alliances
- Global Negotiations
- Mediation for Managers
"This series focuses on developing your negotiating skills, making you a more confident negotiator," said Harvie Wilkinson, director of MBA Programs and director of the Executive Education Center at Gatton. "Business and management professionals will directly gain from attending, and so will others who want to improve their ability to conduct more effective and rewarding negotiations."
The fee for the course is $1,500 per person which includes instruction, handouts, refreshments, and a certificate upon completion of the program. A winner of the UK Alumni Association's Great Teacher Award, Joe Labianca, will lead the weekly seminar sessions.
A Gatton Endowed Professor of Management since coming to UK in 2006, Labianca is also the recipient of numerous awards for his teaching and research, including the Evening MBA Distinguished Core Educator Award and the Alumni Award for Excellence in Research from the Goizueta Business School at Emory University, the Outstanding Young Researcher Award from the Freeman School of Business at Tulane University, and the Fred Brand, Jr. Award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching from The Smeal College of Business Administration at Penn State.
Labianca's work has appeared in Science, the Harvard Business Review, the Academy of Management Journal and in many other outlets. He is the founder and host of the annual Intra-Organizational Networks Conference, and co-founder of the LINKS International Research Center on Social Networks in Business at the Gatton College.
Labianca is also actively involved in mediating real-world multiparty negotiations and consults on negotiation and conflict management topics.
For more information and to register for the Managerial Negotiations Series, visit the website at The series begins on Tuesday evening, Sept. 11 and continues through Nov. 13.
CONTACT: Carl Nathe (859) 257-3200; Michele Sparks (859) 257-0040.