UK Journalism Professor on KET Show Tonight

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 25, 2012) ― University of Kentucky Journalism Professor Richard Labunski is scheduled to appear on KET's "Kentucky Tonight" Monday, June 25, to discuss the Electoral College.  The show, hosted by Bill Goodman and focusing on issues confronting Kentuckians, airs live from 8 to 9 p.m. EDT.

Prior to joining the UK faculty in the College of Communication and Information in 1995, Labunski taught at the University of Washington and Penn State. He has a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of California-Berkeley, and master's and doctorate in political science (American politics, constitutional law) from the University of California-Santa Barbara. He also holds a law degree from Seattle University School of Law. Prior to pursuing an academic career, Labunski spent 10 years in radio and TV news at stations in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Reno and Tucson.

He teaches media law, a course on the First Amendment and the Internet, and for many years, he taught radio and TV news and supervised student-produced TV newscasts. Labunski is the author of five books, law review articles, newspaper commentaries, and other publications. His research has focused on the First Amendment, constitutional law and history, politics, the media, and the Internet.