UK Police's Citizen Police Academy Accepting Registrations

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 10, 2012) — Have you ever wondered what it's like being a police officer? What's involved with their job? A good way to learn more about law enforcement without actually getting a badge yourself is to attend the University of Kentucky Police Department's Citizen Police Academy (CPA). The academy is free and open to anyone inside or outside the university who is 18 years or older with no prior felony convictions.
This free series of classes begins Tuesday, Feb. 28. Each class will meet from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays in Room 228 of the UK Student Center, with graduation on April 17.
Registration for the Citizen Police Academy is being taken now through Feb. 28. Enrollment is based on a first come-first served basis and spaces are limited. Please go to to find more information about the Citizen Police Academy and follow the link to enroll. Enrollment is also available on the UK Police Facebook site at, More information can also be obtained by calling (859) 257-8573.
The CPA will include instruction in law, firearms, DUI detection, canine, and self defense, as well as other police related training. Course material will be presented through lecture, audio-visual aids, and interactive scenarios.
Prospective participants will be expected to complete a course application and submit to an electronic background check.
The mission of the Citizen Police Academy is to foster a more cohesive relationship between law enforcement officers and the campus community. Graduates will be able to share knowledge gained with others in the community, thereby helping others become more familiar with police practices.