Progress on Our Priorities

photo of people standing in shape of Kentucky

Last week, President Capilouto testified before the Kentucky Interim Joint Appropriations and Revenue Committee. Among a number of items that point to our progress as an institution, President Capilouto pointed to our success in achieving the priorities outlined in the Commonwealth’s performance funding model for higher education.

View President Capilouto’s presentation.

It was an opportunity to tell our story—one of momentum and imagining what is possible. We recently conferred a record number of degrees at our May Commencement ceremonies, and a record number of students made the important decision to attend the University of Kentucky in the fall on National Decision Day.

Our mission is complex, challenging us to educate the next generation of Kentucky citizens, pioneer creative answers to complex questions, heal those in need of sophisticated and compassionate care, and serve every county and community in our Commonwealth.

Without question, students at the University of Kentucky benefit from the dynamic environment of a modern, flagship and land grant research university, and it is their success on which the state’s performance funding model focuses.

The components of the model were developed by state leaders, in partnership with the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) and the presidents of Kentucky’s public universities. Given the diverse set of missions across Kentucky’s higher education sector, consensus was reached on measures of performance that we all share, the success of our students.

Exceeding the average rate of growth on  10 out of the 11 metrics  set by the state illustrates our campus-wide commitment to pushing Kentucky forward toward its statewide attainment goals. Further, there is a monetary gain for the University—we earned an additional $3.5 million in state appropriations as a result of our success.

Because of the faculty and staff who share an unparalleled commitment to student success, we have a powerful and positive story to share with state lawmakers. It is a story that is aligned with our principles as the University for Kentucky’ s strategic plan and more than 150-year mission and purpose. It’s a story that I hope you take great pride in as all of you are its authors.

You make possible the success we have – for our students and all those we serve throughout the Commonwealth and beyond its borders.

Have a great week as we reflect on those accomplishments.


Eric N. Monday


