UK's Association of Black Journalists Hosts 'Dine and Vote' Event

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 23, 2019) — The University of Kentucky Association of Black Journalists (ABJ) will be hosting a new event, "Dine and Vote," 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25, in 315 Blazer Dining.
The UK ABJ is the on-campus chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists. At the University of Kentucky, students of color in the College of Communication and Information are open to join the organization, which hosts biweekly meetings featuring guest speakers and visits to news outlets, all while growing a strong community through planned events and fundraisers.
Through ABJ, “Our members have graduated and obtained full-time jobs in their respective fields and we want to continue to be a resource that can prepare students for those desired jobs,” UK ABJ President Keyera Jackson said.
The event will feature a panel that includes three guest speakers. The first panelist is Joshua Douglas, a professor in the College of Law, who recently published a book on the upcoming election titled,"Vote for US: How to Take Back Our Elections and Change the Future of Voting." Clayton Brown, president of Kentucky Young Democrats and UK alumnus, will also be speaking at the event. Meredith Wadlington, an organizer for Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, will round out the professional panel of speakers.
When asked how she came up with this event, ABJ member Tessa Howard said it just “popped into my head.” Howard feels that all students, not just minority students, should know about their voting rights and is very excited to have created this event.
The panel will discuss topics surrounding the upcoming 2020 election, including voting and constitutional rights. Attendees will be able to ask questions, as well as have the opportunity to register to vote at the event.
The event is free and open to the campus community. Light refreshments will be provided.