Cats Den Roars Back

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 27, 2010) – The Cats Den is back with premium programming this semester. This week, the Cats Den brings you a Board Game Night, a NCAA Football Video Game Tournament and another prime Comedy Caravan show.
Board Game Night provides an old-school spin on fun. There will be all sorts of games to tickle your nostalgic fancy. Mancala, Chess, Trivial Pursuit, Risk, Cranium and Pictionary will be the stars of the night. Great prizes will flow on Board Game Night, to be held in the Cats Den at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 30.
Then, on Tuesday, Aug. 31, the NCAA Video Game Tournament will be held at 7 p.m. in the Cats Den. Gamers are encouraged to come out not only by Cats Den coordinators but also by EA Sports representatives for the NCAA Football Tournament. Contestants can compete for prizes, games, T-shirts and free-play cards. It's free to enter, free to win.
The featured comedian for Comedy Caravan is three-time festival winner Danny Browning, who will be serving up laughs at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 1. Browning’s mid-western charm is sure to hit home with Kentucky students. After all, Lexington did vote him “Funniest Person in Lexington” in 2009. Come watch him walk the line during a show that's sure to never be the same twice because of his witty insights and knack for improv.
Located on the bottom floor of the Student Center, the Cats Den activities are free and open to UK faculty, staff, students and patrons of the Student Center.