Gatton Chapter of Honorary Announces Awards

LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 6, 2010) - The 2010 Spring Induction Ceremony of the University of Kentucky Gatton College of Business and Economics Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the national honor society for collegiate schools of business, provided the backdrop as featured awards were presented to an outstanding business leader, an outstanding professor, and an outstanding graduate student teacher.
The UK Chapter of the honorary was chartered in 1928 and is built upon the ideals of honor, wisdom, and earnestness.
Outstanding Business Leader of the Year: Jed Bullard, chairman of E.D.Bullard Company of Cynthiana, a designer, manufacturer, and marketer of personal protective equipment. Bullard has spent virtually his entire career working for the family business.
Outstanding Teacher of the Year: Chris Clifford, who joined the UK faculty in the fall of 2008. Clifford teaches finance courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level in the Gatton College. His research interests include hedge funds, mutual funds, and shareholder activism.
Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher of the Year: Joshua Marineau, a doctoral candidate in his third year at Gatton, studying organizational behavior and social networks in business.
In addition, 22 new student members were inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma at the ceremony. Only the top 10 percent of the senior class, the top 7 percent of the junior class, and the top 20 percent of the MBA class are eligible for membership.
The outgoing officers of the chapter were recognized, as were the incoming officers for 2010-11. Jeffrey L. Howard, a rising senior from Louisville, will serve as president in the coming year.