Preview for Prospective Students


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Dec. 22, 2009)  Even though most Kentucky high school students are on their holiday breaks, many still traveled to Lexington Monday to focus on their academic futures.

Many of the state’s best and brightest high school seniors gathered at the University of Kentucky for the Governor’s Scholars Program (GSP) or Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA) Day. 


It was a reunion of sorts as these high school students who spent the past summer at GSP or GSA came together to learn how UK can help them achieve their dreams at the next level.


"The UK GSP and GSA Day was a great success," said Don Witt, assistant provost for enrollment management. "We had students and families representing all areas across the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and it is exciting to meet so many outstanding scholars who are extremely enthusiastic about potentially coming to UK."


Students had a chance to reconnect with their friends before listening to a performance by a string quartet from UK. They even heard from current UK students who went to GSP/GSA talk about their college experiences.   


"This event promotes the outstanding academic opportunities for prospective UK students," said Witt. “Students had the opportunity to meet with all of the college and support unit representatives along with taking campus tours and even specialized tours in several areas of interests.”


Staff from across campus came together to make sure the prospective students had all of their questions answered for one key reason.


"The GSP/GSA Day is very important to UK in supporting our enrollment goals tied to the Top 20 mission," said Witt. "In order for UK to move forward, matriculating the top talent across the state is a key parameter of our success."


Students in attendance received admissions and financial aid information, along with news that their completion of the GSP/GSA programs automatically means they can receive the GSP/GSA Provost Scholarship, contingent upon admission to UK.  This scholarship provides a $1,500 award, and is renewable for four years.   If GSP/GSA students who are admitted to UK and earn a minimum 1250 SAT (M+CR) or 28 ACT and a 3.30 unweighted high school grade point average, they will receive a Presidential Scholarship, which provides in-state tuition and mandatory registration fees for up to four years of undergraduate study.  In addition, staff told them about competitive scholarships to apply for by the Jan. 15 deadline. 


For more information on these and other  scholarships, contact the Office of Academic Scholarships at (859) 257-4198.


For more information on financial aid, contact the Office of Financial Aid at (859) 257-3172.


To apply to UK, visit