Bonistall Postel to Deliver Third 'Researching Violence' Lecture

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 14, 2017) — This Thursday, the University of Kentucky Center for Research on Violence Against Women (CRVAW) will present the third talk of their lecture series "Researching Violence: A Series Addressing Research Challenges, Strategies, and Practices."

Emily Bonistall Postel, postdoctoral fellow in the UK Department of Sociology and CRVAW, will deliver the lecture titled “Researching the International Student Experience: Challenges and Best Practices for Accurate Measurement.” The talk will take place at noon Thursday, Feb. 16, in room 115 of the UK College of Nursing.

The endowed faculty of CRVAW are focused on producing excellent research designed to improve the quality of life of those affected by forms of violence that disproportionately involve women, and ultimately preventing such violence. They are also highly motivated to share their expertise and experience with others to promote research efforts in Kentucky and beyond.

This lecture series is presenting various topics over the next two years regarding the challenges of conducting research on violence against women and strategies utilized in their research. The focus will be on conceptual and practical approaches in the field of violence against women rather than presenting research findings of specific studies. The goal is to provide information to researchers, students and organizations’ personnel that may enhance their own planning and projects.