UK Office of Technology Commercialization Hosts First 'Patent Palooza'

photo of OTC staff
photo of Dr. Chang-Guo Zhan
photo of UK inventors
photo of Patent Palooza
photo of inventors at Patent Palooza

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 11, 2017) — The University of Kentucky Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) recently held its first Patent Palooza, an event that celebrates the university's inventors and commercialization deals of the previous fiscal year.

“This event is the starkest symbol of the Office of Technology Commercialization’s excitement about the inventive researchers and commercialization potential that UK has to offer,” said Ian McClure, director of the OTC. “We are channeling this enthusiasm through this and other efforts to raise new awareness about this potential and the importance of intellectual property and commercialization to renewable research opportunities.”

Forty-three inventors were recognized for 30 patents that were issued in the previous year. Recipients of SBIR-STTR (Small Business Innovation Research-small Business Technology Transfer) grants in fiscal year 2016 were also recognized, as well as inventors on patents for which a license agreement was executed. A “Milestone Award” was given to Chang-Guo Zhan, professor in the UK College of Pharmacy, who received his 20th patent in 2016.

Each inventor named on an issued patent in fiscal year 2016 was given a coffee mug with the front cover of their patent printed on it.

See the full list of honorees.

Among the approximately 100 attendees were UK Vice President for Research Lisa Cassis and UK President Eli Capilouto.

“UK’s patent portfolio reflects a strong and diverse research enterprise that mirrors some of Kentucky’s most vital industries: drug development and design, energy, plant biotech and equine health, as well as innovative materials for medical devices, implants, and drug delivery systems,” Capilouto said. “The OTC is a critical element of our commercialization pipeline; raising awareness for the entrepreneurial work on our campus. Together, their work and the ingenuity of our faculty and staff inventors bring creative solutions to market for public benefit.”

UK has more than 650 worldwide patent assets, including issued patents and patent applications. The university also has over 100 active licenses, many of which have returned revenues to the university to foster additional research, while others have helped start-ups raise money and create jobs.

Next year’s Patent Palooza will be held March 27, 2018.

The OTC is responsible for managing all of UK's intellectual property and commercializing its research through technology licensing and start-up ventures. For more information, contact OTC at 859-218-6509 or