5 Questions with Dr. Craig van Horne

5 Questions with Dr. Craig van Horne

LEXINGTON, Ky (April 11, 2017) — Neurosurgeon Dr. Craig van Horne came to Kentucky from Boston to pursue an idea:  Could peripheral nerve tissue implanted in the brain reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's disease?

He says the teamwork and support at UK HealthCare – plus a healthy dose of Kentucky hospitality – fostered the atmosphere he needed to bring DBS+ to fruition.

(And having a lucky cap doesn't hurt.)

Watch this episode of "Five Questions" to learn more about Dr. van Horne's aspirations and secret talents.

Photo of Craig van Horne of UK HealthCare's Kentucky Neuroscience Institute
Craig van Horne and his team are testing DBS Plus, a treatment that shows promise in reducing the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Photo provided by Shaun Ring.