Showcase Highlights Undergraduate Research

UK Showcase of Undergraduate Research
UK Showcase of Undergraduate Research

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 24, 2017) — Since 2006, the annual Showcase of Undergraduate Research has been hosted by the University of Kentucky Office of Undergraduate Research, the Chellgren Center and the Society for the Promotion of Undergraduate Research (SPUR).  

The showcase is a platform to honor the achievements of UK undergraduate researchers and the dedication of their UK mentors. The goal of the showcase is to celebrate undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity in all fields of study by providing students the opportunity to engage in the practices, conventions and standards of high quality professional presentation across the academic disciplines; and support the best practices of student-centered, inquiry-based learning throughout the curriculum.

The showcase is also an opportunity to recognize and honor the dedication of hundreds of faculty research mentors who devote their time and energy to students in the labs and other creative endeavors. Each year, students nominate their faculty for the honor of receiving the Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentor Award.

“Above all else, the UK Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars is a special event where we celebrate and honor the achievements of our UK undergraduate researchers and the dedication of their mentors,” said faculty mentor Zach Hilt, the William T. Bryan Professor in the UK College of Engineering. “This event provides these undergraduate scholars with the opportunity to demonstrate and discuss their specific projects as well as the impact on their professional development.”

This year, the public event will be held 3-6 p.m. Wednesday, April 26, in Memorial Coliseum. Over 500 students will have the opportunity to discuss their faculty-mentored research and hear presentations from students in every imaginable discipline reciting their 3-5 minute overview presentations and 15-minute oral presentations. The audience may even discover the occasional performing artist/researcher.