Sports Center Garage Construction to Begin July 14

LEXINGTON, Ky. (July 11, 2014) — As part of the annual routine maintenance work on the University of Kentucky's parking structures, construction will impact the Sports Center Garage (PS #7) starting Monday, July 14. UK Parking and Transportation Services says the work will cause approximately 50 parking spaces on the top level of the facility to be blocked.

During the summer months, parking demand is reduced, providing increased flexibility in parking alternatives. Employees who normally park in the Sports Center Garage should allow extra commute time.

If the facility is full, employees may park in any E or R areas or the K areas at Commonwealth Stadium. Visit to view the campus summer parking map and identify alternate parking locations.

The work on the Sports Center Garage is expected to last approximately one week. However, as always, construction is weather-dependent and the timetable may change.

Members of the campus community are encouraged to tune into 1700 AM (WQKH 253) to hear campus parking and transportation information. The station broadcasts 24 hours, seven days a week.