College of Education Professor Appointed to Kentucky School Curriculum, Assessment and Accountability Council

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 15, 2012) — Thomas Guskey, professor in the University of Kentucky College of Education's Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology, has been appointed by Governor Steve Beshear to a two-year term on the Kentucky School Curriculum, Assessment and Accountability Council (SCAAC).
The primary role of the council is to study, review, and make recommendations concerning Kentucky's system of setting academic standards, accessing learning, holding schools accountable for learning, and assisting schools to improve their performance. The council advises the Kentucky Board of Education and the legislative Research Commission on issues related to the development and communication of the academic expectations and core content for assessment, the development and implementation of the statewide assessment and accountability program, the distribution of rewards and imposition of sanctions, and assistance for schools to improve their performance.
"Given all the new developments that will take place in Kentucky with regard to assessment and accountability over the next two years, this will be a very exciting time to be involved with the council," Guskey said. "I look forward to having this opportunity to serve the Commonwealth."
The committee is composed of 17 members appointed by the governor, and includes parents, teachers, superintendents, principals, school board members, assessment coordinators, state employers and university professors.
MEDIA CONTACT: Jenny Wells, (859) 257-5343;