Professional News

Staff Senate Creates UK HealthCare Administration Advisory Ad Hoc Committee

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 28, 2013) — In an effort to work more closely with UK HealthCare administration on issues regarding staff, the University of Kentucky Staff Senate has created the UK HealthCare Administration Advisory Ad Hoc Committee (HAAC). This committee will help broaden and improve direct communication with UK HealthCare staff.

“We all benefit from sharing ideas and communicating effectively with each other across the medical campus and throughout the University,” said UK HealthCare Vice President for Administration and External Affairs Mark D. Birdwhistell. “We look forward to working with the Staff Senate in continuing to explore ways to broaden and enhance information that aids all of us in doing our jobs and as members of the UK community.”

Current members of the committee include:
From Staff Senate: Misty Dotson (chair), Susan Tegtmeier (secretary), Mike Adams, Jonathan Burns, Shelli Hilton, Fadyia Lowe, Andrea Strassburg, and Glen White.
From UK HealthCare and Human Resources: Mark Birdwhistell, Mary Ferlan, Angie Lang, Jan Taylor, and Kim Wilson.

“The Staff Senate looks forward to collaboration with the administration of UK HealthCare," said Jeffrey Spradling, chair of UK Staff Senate. "We realize that the demands of patient care constrain the time that employees may have to build constructive partnerships with main campus. I believe the work of this committee will enable us to do a better job of serving our co-workers in the health enterprise.”

“This is a great step for all staff, especially within UK HealthCare," said Misty Dotson, chair of the HAAC. "It confirms that our leadership is serious about staff, their concerns, and their feedback. In the words of Mattie Stepanek 'Unity is strength; when there is teamwork and collaboration wonderful things can be achieved.'"

The committee will meet monthly. For more information, or to contact the HAAC, you can email Chair Dotson at