Employee Training for Business Officers
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Dec. 15, 2020) — University of Kentucky President Eli Capilouto sent an email to UK employees Monday, Dec. 14, explaining efforts in the university's financial operations. The email message is below.
Dear Colleagues,
As announced in November, we are working to ensure better coordination and consistency in our financial operations. I asked Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration (EVPFA) Eric N. Monday to work with college and unit officers throughout the institution on steps we can take to ensure all our financial operations are administered in accordance with policy and best practices.
The EVPFA has initiated mandatory training for business officers.
This initiative, the Finance and Administration Training Transformation, is led by a steering committee composed of executive leaders throughout academic and administrative units as well as UK HealthCare. The business officers who will be required to take the mandatory training are currently being identified.
The first mandatory training for business officers, Financial Foundations, is expected to begin in February 2021. Business officers will be assigned the web-based training in myUK Learning and they will have 60 days to complete the training modules. The direct supervisor of any business officer who does not complete the training within 60 days will be notified of non-compliance.
Thank you for your work to ensure we maintain the highest standards in our financial operations.
Eli Capilouto