Professional News

Faculty Trustee Final Voting Begins April 19

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 17, 2017) Because no candidate received 50 percent of the vote, voting in the University of Kentucky faculty trustee election continues Wednesday, April 19.

The initial voting results were 187 votes, Robert B. Grossman (Arts and Sciences); 140 votes, Patrick C. McGrath (Medicine); 124 votes, Margaret Mohr-Schroeder (Education); 76 votes, Sidney W. Whiteheart (Medicine); and 56 votes, Christopher W. Frost (Law).  

Under the University Senate Rules, if no candidate receives 50 percent of the votes for faculty trustee, the candidates with the three highest vote totals (Grossman, McGrath and Mohr-Schroeder) advance to the final voting round.

The final voting round for the faculty trustee post begins at noon Wednesday, April 19. Eligible voters will receive a formal announcement of the opening of the voting process. Voting remains open through noon, Wednesday, April 26.

Prior to the start of this final round of voting, all three finalists may use an SREC-approved UK Trustee Election listserv to share their election statements with UK faculty.

More information about the election, including election statements and links to candidates’ departmental pages, is available at