UKIT Offers Enterprise Content Management Service

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 24, 2012) — Enterprise Content Management (ECM), a new service provided by UK Information Technology, allows archiving of documents, workflow, document viewing, email integration, and audit trails among other features.
Key benefits of ECM include:
- Links content with SAP data;
- Creates a framework for units to better manage document retention according to policies/laws;
- Improves compliance and control;
- Minimizes risk of unauthorized access to documents;
- Space savings;
- Improves productivity/process efficiency;
- Reduces search and processing time;
- Protects content from disasters; and
- Reduces transport, copy and print costs.
The first ECM implementation was an Employee File Management solution for Human Resources (HR) Records and Compensation. The HR Records team is establishing electronic personnel files. Once created, electronic personnel files will be available to employees and management via Employee Self-Service and Manager Self-Service. Existing personnel files are being migrated by department which will take approximately three years to complete.
The ECM Team will work with a number of units across campus to deliver ECM solutions. These include Human Resources, Provost Office, Office of the Treasurer, Enrollment Management, the Graduate School, various academic units, University Budget Office, Office of Legal Counsel, and Physical Plant Division.
For more information contact Marc Bradley at