Get Your Motor Running

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 22, 2010) - Usually April in Lexington centers around horse racing, however this Saturday a different kind of horse power will be taking to the streets of Lexington. The Society of Automotive Technicians (SAT) and the Thoroughbred Collegiate Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) are hosting the second annual Lexington Road Rally. The rally begins at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 24, in the Richmond Road Applebee's parking lot.
The second annual road rally is a timed competition through a set course in Lexington. The rally is not a race, in fact, drivers are penalized for traffic violations, but rather a challenge measuring participant’s knowledge of getting around the Lexington area.
SAT serves low-income families in central Kentucky by fixing their automobiles for free.
“There are families in Lexington that can’t afford to take their cars to some of the major auto shops; SAT provides a free alternative to keep families going,” said Thomas Martin, adviser to the group and employee of Eastside Technical Center and Fayette County Public Schools. All of the proceeds from the road rally help SAT purchase parts for the cars they repair.
Not only does SAT help low-income families with car trouble, but the two-fold mission of the organization is to provide high school students with important skills that make them a more competitive member of the workforce.
“I’ve received training in diagnosing automotive problems and have been exposed to things I wouldn’t have seen without being involved in SAT,” said Alex Bruner, a student in the organization.
The UK Thoroughbred Collegiate Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals got involved with the program after President Natalie Denney sat down with Martin.
“I think it’s a phenomenal mission that plays an important role in the community. Families need cars to get their kids to school, to make it to work on time and go grocery shopping. SAT helps make this a reality and AFP is happy to help them with that goal,” Denney said.
AFP has played a major role in fundraising for the event and secured major sponsors like Applebee’s.
Registration begins at 10 a.m. in the Richmond Road Applebee's parking lot. Tickets for the event are $25 per car (2 participants per car) and there is a major trophy for the winner.
Participants may preregister online at Checks should be made made payable to Eastside Technical Center with SAT Road Rally in the memo line. The first 25 teams to enter will receive a free Road Rally T-shirt. You can mail or drop off your form (with ATTN: Road Rally) to either: Eastside Technical Center, 2208 Liberty Rd., Lexington, KY 40509 or AFP Collegiate Chapter, UK Sturgill Development Building, Lexington, KY 40506.
For more information please visit or email the team at