"see blue." #selfie: Jordan Mason

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 29, 2016) — Want to get to know the people behind some of the biggest student leadership positions on campus? We did, too! That's why we're excited to introduce "see blue." #selfie - a brand new series on UKNow that lets student leaders from across campus tell us a little bit more about themselves and their organizations. This week, the 2016 president of Public Relations Student Society of America, Jordan Mason.
Jordan Mason, a senior integrated strategic communication major from Louisville, Kentucky, is this year's Public Relations Student Society of America president for the University of Kentucky chapter. Jordan is so passionate about PRSSA because she believes that it unites a group of students with the same interests and pushes students to be successful in the public relations field. Learn all about this spunky, dedicated and enthusiastic leader in her see blue. #selfie!
UKNow: What is your major and where are you from?
Jordan Mason: I am a senior, integrated strategic communication major from Louisville.
UK: Tell me about your position in PRSSA.
JM: I am currently president of PRSSA, so I'm in charge of contacting speakers for meetings, organizing events and overseeing the executive board.
UK: When did you become involved with PRSSA?
JM: I became involved my second semester of sophomore year, so the spring of 2014.
UK: What made you want to invest in PRSSA?
JM: I was part of SAB a long time, and it made me want to get more involved with an organization that went along with my major….so I went with a public relations club!
UK: Why are you so passionate about the organization?
JM: I love PRSSA because it unites a group with the same interests. I love that it's a national organization that prides itself in making sure students succeed and they pave a path for you. It's an organization where they want you to be as successful as you can possibly be.
UK: What is your favorite part about the organization?
JM: My favorite part, I think, is when I get other students to be involved. I like when you reach that point that they are interested and you get to keep immersing them in all the program has to offer. It's a rewarding feeling when they become just as passionate about it as you.
UK: What has been your most memorable event during your time in PRSSA?
JM: I think it was the West Sixth Tour. It was the first tour where I was on the board. I thought it was the neatest thing. We took something that had nothing to do with public relations and made it about public relations and asked the behind the scenes marketing questions. It was such a fun event!
UK: What is your favorite UK tradition?
JM: Saturday football games. I have been going to those since I was 2. My cousin played for UK. It's in my blood.
UK: How much planning goes on behind the scenes for PRSSA?
JM: It’s not so much how much planning, it’s when you do it. It’s fairly easy to find speakers if you do it in the right amount of time. If we are planning for January, we start prepping in November. We have learned our lesson where we have waited until the last minute and had to scramble. Also, we ask what trending topics in the field that will interest members. Our last speaker was Marc Whitt. He came to focus on how to keep a good social media presence while job hunting. You want to make meeting topics personable and something you know will help members.
UK: Has anything embarrassing ever happened to you during a PRSSA event?
JM: Oh gosh, probably. I'm sure I've done something stupid. Oh, I fell down the ramp at Keeneland last fall.
UK: Since you're from Louisville, what made you decide to attend UK?
JM: I've never been a UofL fan. When it came to UK, that was the only school I applied to. I had my application for Louisville ready, and I never put it in the mailbox. So, after that I was just hoping to get into UK. I decided I wanted to go to UK in middle school. It’s surreal sometimes that I’m at my dream school.
UK: Growing up, what did you want to be?
JM: I always wanted like 15 jobs - the doctor the lawyer and the artist. I finally settled on being a writer. I wanted to write books. When I came to UK I wanted to do journalism, then that changed to public relations.
UK: What is your favorite thing to do off campus in Lexington?
JM: Pazzo's. I think it’s so fun! Pazzo's reminds me of home; it brings back Louisville to me.
UK: Since you're constantly immersed with public relations, what's your go-to social media?
JM: I would say Twitter. It used to be Instagram, then I got tired of all the changes. I love that you can connect with so many people. For the longest time I didn’t understand Twitter, but now I love it.
UK: What would you tell an incoming freshman?
JM: Don’t take two 8 a.m.'s in a row because you will not survive. I’m just telling you now. You think you can do it because you did it the second semester….you’re mistaken.
UK: What is your favorite part of being an ISC major?
JM: The family aspect. I feel like you can go to anybody in the department at any time and talk to them and tell them what is wrong. It’s like a second home to me. I love that.
UK: How can a prospective student get involved in PRSSA?
JM: They can start by coming to the meetings at the beginning of the semesters. After that, you’re available to talk to exec board members and learn more about how to become a member!
UK: What are the benefits of PRSSA?
JM: It's a national club, so if you put it on a resume, people will know what it is. We are the only club that focuses purely on public relations. I love the work that nationals does as well. They send you newsletters, and they have national and regional conferences. They are set on making sure members have the greatest opportunities that they can have.
UK: Since UK is out, who are you rooting for to win the NCAA tournament?
JM: No one. I don't believe in watching it after the Cats are gone. I had them winning on my bracket.
"see blue." #selfies will appear every other Tuesday on UKNow. Know a student leader we should feature? Contact Rebecca Stratton at rebecca.stratton@uky.edu to nominate someone.
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