Obamacare: You May Love It, You May Hate It, But Do You Know Why?
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 31, 2012) – Obamacare is a highly debated issue seen in the news and on the floor of Congress that leaves many Americans scratching their head in confusion on just what this controversial bill is about. Come hear the two opposing cases about Obamacare 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, in Worsham Theater. This event is free and sponsored in collaboration by the Student Activities Board and the Student Government Association.
"Obamacare: You May Love It, You May Hate It, But Do You Know Why?"will present two speakers of opposing views to the new health care law. Stephen Voss will present the case for Obamacare and Davida Isaacs will present the case against it, ultimately addressing the main question, "Is the individual mandate constitutional or not?" This is the same question the Supreme Court will address the summer of 2012. A question and answer opportunity with the two professors will follow the discussion. Student voter registration also will be available at the event's conclusion.
“I’m really excited about this event because both sides of the health care law will be presented, and it will really allow students to make their own case either for or against Obamacare,” said Sarah Jones, director of Engaging Issues for the Student Activities Board.
The Student Activities Board brings more than 100 entertaining, educational and enriching programs that are reflective of contemporary issues and trends to the University of Kentucky annually. These programs are designed to enhance the college experience for students, faculty, staff and the greater Lexington community.
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