UK Happenings

Office of LGBTQ* Resources to Host Series of Workshops in July

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 19, 2017) — The University of Kentucky Office of LGBTQ* Resources is partnering with multiple community organizations — TransparentLex, JustFundKY, Lexington Fairness and the Pride Community Services Organization — to host a series of workshops aimed at transgender and gender non-conforming youth and young adults. These workshops will take place Saturday, July 29, at UK’s E.S. Good Barn on University Drive.

The sessions will begin at 9 a.m. and conclude at 3 p.m. with lunch provided. The sessions are free and open to the public but space is limited to 55 participants.

The sessions will provide helpful information for parents and families of transgender and gender non-conforming youth as well as health care and other helping professionals who would like to expand their knowledge.

Session topics will be facilitated by local and regional experts and include the following:

  • Primary and specialized healthcare for transgender youth;
  • Intersex identity and experience; 
  • 2017 LGBTQ* Legal Landscapes;
  • Mental health related to transgender/gender non-conforming care; and
  • University policies and supports to explore when choosing an institution.

To register for the workshops, visit:

For additional questions about the event, email UK LGBTQ* Director Lance Poston at