UK to Host Appalachian Research Symposium and Arts Showcase

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 25, 2019) — The University of Kentucky Appalachian Center, Appalachian Studies Program and the Graduate Appalachian Research Community (GARC) will host the 10th annual Appalachian Research Symposium and Arts Showcase 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Saturday, March 2, at the William T. Young Library UK Athletics Auditorium. The title of this year's event is "GARC at 10: Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Appalachian Research & Community."
"The Symposium and Arts Showcase is an important opportunity for both graduate and undergraduate students to share their work with peers who are also doing work in the Appalachian region," said Leah Vance, president of GARC. "In addition to having the opportunity to develop their presentation skills, students are able to network with students from across the region at the event. Student research plays a key role in helping to bring to light issues within the region, highlight the positive efforts being made for change, and challenge the current narrative about Appalachia.”
The UK community and public is invited to attend. This year’s symposium will host over 20 presentations on the Appalachian region, including a narrative reading of original writing and a visual media exhibit. Presenters and registrants represent seven universities in the region and eight states. Almost every UK college is represented in some capacity.
A keynote address will be given by Gina Mamone, creative director at Queer Appalachia, a social media community of over 250,000 who call Appalachia home.
More information about the symposium and showcase is available at
The Appalachian Studies program enables students to comprehend more fully the history, health, social structure, environment and culture of the region, its people, its challenges and its future.
The UK Appalachian Center contributes to the land-grant mission of UK by fostering community-university partnerships in research, learning and engagement in Appalachia, a region faced with unique opportunities and challenges toward sustainable development in a globalized context.