UK Happenings

UK to Host Regional Science Fair

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 29, 2012) — Central Kentucky students from grades 4-12 will present research at the University of Kentucky on Saturday, March 3, as UK hosts the Ninth Annual Intel-affiliated Central Kentucky Regional Science and Engineering Fair (CKRSEF). The fair will feature projects by public, private and home-schooled students.  The event will be held in the UK Student Center Ballroom

"Hosting this science fair is a great opportunity for our faculty members to interact with some rising young scientists, as well as helping to fulfill UK's mission to perform science outreach," said Edward DeMoll, CKRSEF director and UK faculty researcher. "This is also a good way to start recruiting some academically talented young students to choose UK for their undergraduate studies."

Some of the projects presented Saturday will move on to the State Science and Engineering Fair, and three projects will be chosen to represent Central Kentucky at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) later this year in Pittsburgh. Students from UK's fair have competed with students from 350 fairs, representing all 50 states and about 60 different countries. 

"Students from our fair are among the top 2 percent of all students at the ISEF, when one considers the extent to which our students place in awards," DeMoll said.


The UK science fair is judged by volunteers including UK professors, graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. For more information, contact DeMoll at

MEDIA CONTACT: Keith Hautala, (859) 323-2396;