Cervical Cancer-Free Kentucky Awards Second Year of Funding for Organizations

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 16, 2011) − Cervical Cancer-Free Kentucky (CCFKY), housed in the University of Kentucky College of Public Health, is providing a second year of funding for mini-awards to local lead agencies, coalitions, community groups and organizations to improve HPV and cervical cancer screening rates, HPV vaccination and cervical cancer survivorship in Kentucky.
In August, CCFKY awarded 13 agencies funding ranging from $7,000 to $20,000 each, for projects serving 19 Kentucky counties, to help reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality in Kentucky.
Despite the fact that cervical cancer is largely preventable, approximately 391 women develop cervical cancer every year in Kentucky, and 66 women die.
“CCFKY saw great results from the first year of funded projects,” said Dr. Baretta R. Casey, director of CCFKY. “The projects’ outcomes convinced our team that increasing the number of funded agencies in the second year will move our mission of a cervical cancer-free Kentucky forward. Let’s stop the deaths of women in Kentucky from this preventable and curable disease.”
Mini-Award recipients and their project titles may be found on the CCFKY website: www.cervicalcancerfreeky.org. Funds may be used for research supplies, participant compensation, printing and media expenses, staff salary and consultant fees, meeting and training expenses for non-health care professionals and travel in the Commonwealth of Kentucky related to the project. Examples of previously funded Mini-Award reports are also located on the website.
To get involved and for more information about Cervical Cancer-Free Kentucky visit www.cervicalcancerfreeky.org.
The Cervical Cancer-Free Kentucky Initiative is a member of Cervical Cancer-Free America, a multi-state initiative, and is supported by an unrestricted gift from Glaxo-Smith-Kline. CCFKY is implementing a broad state-wide public health strategy to eliminate cervical cancer.
Media Contact: Ann Blackford at (859) 323-6442 or ann.blackford@uky.edu