Land Swap, Like Other Partnerships, Would Create Shared Benefits and Progress

Monday, Jan. 29, 2018
This past week, the University of Kentucky was named Public Policy Advocate of the Year by Commerce Lexington. It was another example of our commitment to working, in partnership, in creative ways to advance the missions of our university and the citizens we serve. I was honored to accept the award on behalf of the University.
The award recognized the potentially historic land swap approved by our Board of Trustees in December, which would take place between the University and the city of Lexington.
The swap would provide land in and near the Coldstream Research Campus, which the city could utilize for industry recruitment and economic development. Right now, Lexington officials have very little land available for development within the Urban Service Boundary. The state of Kentucky recently approved the swap. Lexington’s Urban County Council is expected to consider it in the coming weeks.
UK would receive formal control from the city of more than 13.5 acres of roads in and near campus, including Rose Street, Hilltop Avenue, and part of Woodland Avenue. Formal control of a number of roads would allow the University to further invest in safety measures and transportation planning in partnership with the city. For the University of Kentucky, this move would, potentially, create internship and employment opportunities for our students, many of whom want to stay in Lexington post-graduation. This is increasingly important as we strengthen our role as the Commonwealth’s workforce development partner.
Lexington and the University of Kentucky are inextricably tied together, both in proximity and, in many ways, in vision. Our expectation is that the land swap—like our many other partnerships—will create shared benefits and progress for our community.
Last week, President Capilouto wrote about a recent graduate, Jake Ingram, who began his career at Space X, pioneering ways for us to put the first man or woman on Mars. He asked: “how does Kentucky, whether in space or on the assembly line, become the creator of ideas and the assembler of parts? Those questions — and their answers — will require us to rethink how we provide education and contribute to the success of our economy.”
Investments in education and partnerships that support economic development allow Kentucky companies to not only create the jobs, but also to expand industries that keep students like Jake in Kentucky. That’s the power of collaboration on behalf of a shared vision.
I look forward to sharing more ways we are working in partnership to better serve our state. Thank you for your role in advancing that important mission.
Have a great week.
Eric N. Monday