Thanks to the Staff in UK Payroll Services

Monday, Feb. 12, 2018
As members of the UK family, we play a crucial role in the lives of our community each and every day.
We share that responsibility—that promise to help our students lead lives of meaning and purpose, to provide the highest quality care to our patients, to pursue research questions that brighten our future, and to touch communities within and beyond our campus.
We each play a different role. Faculty pass on their knowledge and discovery. Grounds crews ensure our campus feels welcoming and appealing. Our staff, across departments and units, help our community members navigate their experiences, and our returner students provide mentorship to those who follow them.
In particular, I’d like to recognize our staff in the Office of Payroll Services and thank them for their efforts and support of the important work occurring across campus.
As I wrote to you last month, the IRS has released new withholding tables to reflect the new tax rates approved in the 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. The staff in Payroll Services has worked methodically implementing these new policies and withholding changes.
As a reminder:
- The IRS reports that employees do not have to do anything at this time as the new withholding tables are designed to work with existing W-4 forms that employees have on file.
- The withholding changes are effective for the February 9th biweekly and February 28thmonthly payrolls.
- As a result, taxes withheld will decrease, and take-home pay is expected to increase for employees who maintain existing work schedules and benefit selections.
- The IRS is expected to release a new withholding tax calculator and Form W-4 by the end of February.
- The new withholding calculator and Form W-4 can be used by employees who wish to update their withholding in response to the new law or changes in their personal circumstances in 2018.
We encourage employees to review additional information about the new withholding tables and answers to frequently asked questions available on the IRS website. You can also contact Payroll Services at 859-257-3946 if you have questions.
The staff in Payroll Services support the spectrum of work that occurs across our enterprise. Their great work is an important reminder that we all play a vital role in our community’s success.
We all leave a different indelible mark on those that we serve. I am grateful to be a part of this community.
Have a great week.
Eric N. Monday