'Behind the Blue': UK's 'Wildly Possible' Brand Rollout

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 28, 2019) — For the last several months, hundreds of University of Kentucky students, faculty, staff, alumni, and prospective students and families have been on a process of discovery.
They’ve taken part in interviews and focus groups around the question of what makes the University of Kentucky distinctive?
Some of the results of that discovery process were unveiled recently in what UK marketing and communications professionals call a new “creative brand platform.”
In short, the new campaign — dubbed “Wildly Possible” — seeks a compelling and resonant way to tell the UK story to all those it serves — students, faculty, staff, prospective students and families, policymakers and others.
The idea — through new creative ads, banners, stories, videos and other platforms — is to tell a distinctive story about the way UK challenges and supports everyone who comprises the university community.
To describe that new creative process, and evolution of the UK brand, "Behind the Blue" talked with Julie Balog, UK’s Chief Marketing Officer, and Jay Blanton, UK’s Chief Communications Officer.
They discuss what the UK brand is, what it means to stakeholders and what they hope to accomplish in this new approach to storytelling about the state’s flagship, land-grant institution.
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To discover what’s wildly possible at the University of Kentucky, click here.