Provost Candidate Public Forums Begin Today in M.I. King

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 23, 2013) — The three candidates for University of Kentucky provost visit the campus over the next three days. Below is the message the Provost Search Committee co-chairs sent to faculty, staff and students about the candidates' visits and public forums.
Colleagues and Students,
Three outstanding candidates for Provost will be visiting our campus this week to engage with you about this critically important position and the future of our campus. As co-chairs of the search committee, we wanted to take a moment to provide more details about their visits this week and how you can be involved in this process:
• On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the candidates will be visiting the campus, engaging in discussions with faculty, students and staff in a number of meetings.
• At 4 p.m. each day – tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday – a campus-wide forum will be held with the visiting candidate. We have moved all three forums to the Great Hall (2nd floor) of M.I. King. That provides us with a central space on campus that can hold approximately 200 people. The hour-long forum will be live streamed to the campus on
• If capacity is reached at the forum site, an overflow room has been established in Room 205 of the Little Fine Arts Library, just across from M.I. King, where the live stream will be shown on a large screen. We will have someone at the Little Library to help direct you to the overflow room. However, we urge you, if you are interested in being at the forums, to arrive prior to 4 p.m. each day to ensure a seat.
• During the forums, each candidate will speak briefly and then take written questions from the audience. A member of the search committee will serve as moderator to facilitate the forum.
• Questions also can be submitted via email at or via twitter at UK’s news twitter account, @UKnewsroom, which is another place where you can follow the forums.
• Both the Search Committee and President Capilouto are enthusiastic about the opportunity for the campus to engage with three outstanding candidates and they are eager to move forward with one of them once a full dialogue and review has been completed. As a result, it is important that any feedback to the search committee regarding the candidates be received by 10 p.m. Friday, April 26. The video presentations will be archived and available on the Provost search website – – until Friday evening.
The candidates and the order in which they are coming to campus include:
• Jose Luis Bermudez, dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Texas A&M University. An open campus forum with Bermudez will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, in the Great Hall of the M.I. King. Several programs and departments in the College of Liberal Arts are ranked among the best in the country with respect to public institutions. Texas A&M's College of Liberal Arts has more than 6,400 undergraduates and more than 830 graduate students.
• Nancy W. Brickhouse, interim provost at the University of Delaware. An open campus forum with Brickhouse will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 24, in the Great Hall of the M.I. King. The deans of the University of Delaware's seven colleges report directly to her as do the vice president for Student Life and the vice provosts for Research, Graduate and Professional Education, Museums and Libraries. Delaware's student body encompasses more than 17,000 undergraduates, more than 3,600 graduate students and nearly 800 students in professional and continuing studies.
• Christine Riordan, dean of the Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver. An open forum on campus with Riordan will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, April 25, in the Great Hall of the M.I. King. Riordan is a frequent national commentator on leadership development and workplace diversity. The Daniels College of Business, with about 3,000 students, is the eighth oldest business school in the country and is nationally ranked in publications such as Businessweek, The Financial Times, U.S. News & World Report and Forbes.
More detailed biographical information and their academic resumes can be found at the Provost search website:
Thank you for your continued interest in this important process.
Charley Carlson and Mike Reid
Provost Search Committee