UK Entomology Celebrates 120 Years on Sept. 8

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 2, 2011) – The University of Kentucky Department of Entomology, part of the UK College of Agriculture, is 120 years old this year. To celebrate, the public is invited to join department members Sept. 8 for an evening dedicated to insects and the department.
“Throughout the department’s history, our entomologists have worked to serve the citizens of Kentucky and the world through education about beneficial insects and insect pests, from bed bug research to finding the cause of mare reproductive loss syndrome,” said John Obrycki, chair of the department. “This event is an opportunity to reflect on our accomplishments and look forward to future achievements.”
Featured are presentations by Gary Miller, a U.S. Department of Agriculture entomologist, and Mike Potter, UK extension professor.
Miller has conducted extensive research on insects’ impact on the Civil War and will make a presentation titled, “Worms, castles and boiled shirts.”
Potter, who is a bed bug expert, will discuss bed bug history and lessons learned from the past.
The evening begins at 6 p.m. at the Art Museum at UK and Singletary Center for the Arts. The art museum has a collection of insect illustrations on display. The illustrations are believed to have been drawn by William C. Matthews, who worked in the department as an illustrator and photographer between 1909 and 1913. Before cameras were common, illustrators drew pictures of insects and their defining features for use in research and educational publications.
At the same time in the foyer of the Singletary Center, the department will have displays of living insects, graduate student research, Civil War artifacts and historical information on bed bugs. Refreshments will be served.
Miller and Potter’s presentations begin at 7 p.m. in the Singletary Center’s Recital Hall.
MEDIA CONTACT: Carl Nathe, (859) 257- 3200;;
Katie Pratt, (859) 257-8774;