Campus News

Workshop in August to Help Nonprofits 'Stay Exempt'

LEXINGTON, Ky. (July 27, 2012) — The Kentucky Nonprofit Network will host “Stay Exempt,” a one-day workshop that will provide nonprofit organizations with information about maintaining their tax-exempt status and complying with tax obligations.

Led by experienced Internal Revenue Service Exempt Organizations specialists, the nonprofit network will host the workshop Aug. 28 in Louisville and again Aug. 30 in Lexington. “Stay Exempt” is designed for staff or volunteers who are responsible for tax compliance in small or medium-sized 501(c)3 organizations. Lawyers and tax professionals seeking a refresher course may also find the course useful.

Discussion topics will include an introduction to tax-exempt status, Form 990 series filing requirements, unrelated business income, charitable gaming, recordkeeping tips, required disclosures and employment issues.

“These workshops allow Kentucky nonprofits to hear directly from IRS officials and ask an expert those difficult questions,” said Danielle Clore, executive director of the Kentucky Nonprofit Network. “KNN is excited to provide our nonprofits with this rare opportunity. We also hope attorneys and tax advisers will join us to learn the latest information needed to best assist their clients.”

In Louisville, KNN, in partnership with the Center for Nonprofit Excellence, will host “Stay Exempt” at the Clifton Center, 2117 Payne St. The Lexington workshop will be held at the Locust Trace Agriscience Farm, 242 Locust Farm Road. Both workshops run from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EDT. Registration fee for members is $40; nonmembers’ fee is $50.

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits are available for attendees.

To register or for additional information on this or other workshops offered by the Kentucky Nonprofit Network, visit their website,, or call 859-257-2542.

MEDIA CONTACT:  Whitney Wilgus, (859) 257-4350