WUKY Wants to Know Listeners' Favorite Songs

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 23, 2012) ― WUKY 91.3 wants to know your favorite song. The University of Kentucky's NPR station will air a countdown, "The Listeners’ Favorite 400 Songs," beginning Feb. 28, during the radio station's spring pledge drive.
Click on the link at www.wuky.org to vote. Your vote of up to 10 songs will enter you into a drawing to win an iPod Touch. Choose from any genre ― rock, pop, soul, blues, R&B, etc. ― you get to choose. Cast your vote at www.wuky.org and then tune in to hear if it’s on "The Listeners’ Favorite 400 Songs" on WUKY.
WUKY enlightens, inspires, and entertains its audience through the creation and presentation of the highest quality noncommercial radio programming. Through comprehensive, unbiased news coverage, unique musical offerings, and community partnerships, WUKY fosters civic development, celebrates cultural diversity, and advances the mission of the University of Kentucky.
MEDIA CONTACT: Kathy Johnson, (859) 257-3155 or kathy.johnson@uky.edu