UK Election Law Society to Live-blog Election Night

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 3, 2016) — As citizens await the results of one of the most historic, interesting, and contentious presidential elections in American history, members of the Election Law Society at the University of Kentucky College of Law will provide live analyses regarding significant election law issues in Kentucky and across the nation through their blog at
Under the supervision of Joshua A. Douglas, election law expert and the Robert G. Lawson and William H. Fortune Associate Professor of Law, students will field questions from the general public and media and provide easy-to-understand legal explanations during the vote counting and casting process.
The Election Analysis Blog goes live Tuesday, Nov. 8. Douglas and the students will conduct the blog together in the UK Law faculty lounge beginning at 5 p.m. in conjunction with the organization’s Election Night Watch Party.
“We are excited about this initiative, which we hope will bring election law to life for the general public and the media," said Douglas. "Election law issues affect our voting processes in significant ways."
Students will write the initial drafts of posts for the site, but every post will be reviewed by Douglas for substance and clarity. Though students’ bylines will appear at the top of the post they have drafted, they are not representing themselves as practicing lawyers. Their analyses will be objective and non-partisan.
The Election Analysis Blog, the first of its kind at the university, is staffed by a dozen Election Law Society members who are dedicated to exploring the role of law in politics. It was launched in October 2014. To submit a question on election night, visit the blog at, call the hotline at 859-257-4935, or email
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MEDIA CONTACT: Whitney Harder, 859-323-2396,