WUKY's Winter Pledge Drive Update

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Dec. 21, 2012) ― WUKY’s Winter Pledge Drive ended Dec. 7 with a successful fundraising effort of $42,000. This year WUKY partnered with Lexington’s Farmers Market to help feed the folks in the Bluegrass and Eastern Kentucky. For every $1,000 raised during the fund drive, the Lexington Farmers Market donated $100 in food product to God’s Pantry Food Bank.

Jeff Dabblet, Farmers Market director, said the “farmers thought this was an excellent way to give back to the community.”  Marian Guinn, CEO of God's Pantry, said the donation fed more than 2,000 families.

"The partnership was a win-win for our listeners, our partners and the community at-large," said Robert Hansel, WUKY membership manager. "The partnership allowed donors to not only help with the station’s programming costs but fed numerous people who may have gone hungry thanks to the generosity of the Lexington Farmers  Market."

WUKY is still taking end-of-year donations. People who have pledged and continue to donate through Dec. 31, in the end-of-year campaign will be eligible to win a $700 shopping spree at Benchmark Outdoor Outfitters. The winner will be notified Jan. 2.

WUKY is the University of Kentucky's NPR station.

MEDIA CONTACT:  Gail Bennett, (859) 257-7049; wukgail@uky.edu