Lecture: Intervening on Behalf of Mistreated Children


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 27, 2011) — The University of Kentucky College of Social Work will present a public lecture on the topic "Bridging Research and Practice: Relational Interventions for Maltreated Children," from 2-4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4 in the auditorium of the William T. Young Library. A reception will follow in the gallery immediately afterward. 

The lecture is the ninth annual Irma Sarett Rosenstein Lecture on Early Childhood Interventions. Endowed with a generous gift from Mrs. Rosenstein and her family several years ago, the lecture series has enabled the UK College of Social Work to provide research-based and practice-driven lectures by distinguished national speakers in child welfare.

This year's lecture will be presented by Sheree L. Toth, executive director of the Mt. Hope Family Center and associate professor of psychology at the University of Rochester in Rochester, N.Y.

Continuing Educational Units are available but pre-registration is required. For more information about CEUs, please contact Jessica Morris at jessicamorris@uky.edu.

About Sheree L. Toth

[IMAGE1]Toth's research interests have been guided by a developmental psychopathology perspective emphasizing the interplay between normal and atypical development and addresses the transactions between ecological contexts and development. Her empirical work has examined factors contributing to maladjustment in children who have been physically abused, sexually abused or neglected.

Toth also has been committed to applying research findings to real-world settings in order to bridge research and clinical practice. In particular, she has conducted a number of randomized clinical trials with maltreated children and with offspring of depressed mothers that have utilized relationally-based methods of intervention, including child-parent psychotherapy and interpersonal psychotherapy.

Her presentation draws from decades of work focused on providing and evaluating developmentally informed interventions to at-risk children and families. In particular, a theoretical formulation derived from attachment theory will be described in interventions with maltreated children.

About Irma Sarrett Rosenstein

[IMAGE2]Irma Sarrett Rosenstein came to Kentucky in 1951 from New York as a recently married college graduate with an MSW degree from the University of Pennsylvania. She worked with young children and families for many years as a social worker with the University of Kentucky Medical Center and also taught classes within the College of Social Work, working closely with its first dean, Ernest Witte.

Early childhood interventions are especially important, Rosenstein said, in dealing with some of Kentucky's intergenerational problems, such as historically low levels of education and health literacy, as well as breaking the cycle of child abuse and neglect.

"Early childhood experiences do indeed shape the developing child, and development is an ongoing process that continues well into adulthood," Rosenstein said. "Just like when you're building a house, you need to have a strong, solid foundation."

Rosenstein says she is immensely proud of the lecture series that bears her name.

"This outstanding series zeroes in on the complexities of the developing child and our desire, as social work professionals, to cover this from different approaches," she said. "It has been a privilege to be able to host some of the country's leading experts from a variety of disciplines."

Support the Rosenstein Lecture Series

To make a tax-deductible contribution to the Rosenstein Lecture Series, contact Fran Morris Mandel at 859-257-6649 or email fmorrismandel@uky.edu.