Academic Ombud Named

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 14, 2011) -- Sonja Feist-Price has been appointed by Provost Kumble Subbaswamy to serve as the University of Kentucky academic ombud for the 2011-2012 academic year.
"I am elated about the opportunity to work with students and faculty as the academic ombud of UK," said Feist-Price. "As a life-long learner, faculty member of nearly 20 years and helping professional, I welcome the responsibilities of this position. I possess the skill-set required for this position, and anticipate the duties of ombud with eagerness.”
Feist-Price is a professor of special education and rehabilitation counseling
and director of graduate studies in the College of Education. Her term as university academic Ombud will begin July 1 and continue until June 30, 2012.
Feist-Price has been a faculty member at UK since 1992. She served as director of the African American Studies and Research Program from 2007-2011 and interim director from 2005-2006; director of graduate studies in the Graduate Program in Rehabilitation Counseling from 2007 to present; the co-chair of the Inclusiveness Committee in the College of Education from 2007 to present; and chair of the Disaster Response Network for the Kentucky Psychological Association from 2007-2010.
Feist-Price completed her bachelor’s degree in psychology from McNeese State University in Lake Charles, La., her master’s in rehabilitation counseling psychology from Southern University of Baton Rouge, La.; a doctorate in rehabilitation research and administration from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale; and a doctorate in counseling psychology from the University of Kentucky.
Feist-Price has served as principal investigator and co-principal investigator on research projects totaling over $4 million involving school- and community-based HIV, STI, and pregnancy prevention interventions targeting high-risk adolescents and young adults in the United States, South Africa and Ethiopia. In more recent years, she has expanded her research focus to include vocational rehabilitation services for veterans, and mental health support services for caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease.
The author of numerous scholarly publications, Feist-Price has made invited and refereed presentations at international, national and regional conference venues. She has received numerous awards acknowledging significant contributions to academic, research and teaching awards including the National Council on Rehabilitation Education’s Researcher of the Year, the UK College of Education’s Exceptional Researcher of the Year, and the College of Education’s Teacher Who Made A Difference award.
Feist-Price succeeds Lee Edgerton of the College of Agriculture as academic ombud.