Academic Advisers Get Advice in Webinar

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 8, 2010) - The latest in a webinar series offered to academic advisers at the University of Kentucky this year will be presented from 2 to 4 p.m. today, Thursday, April 8, in the Student Center's Center Theater. It is titled "Breaking Bad News: Delivery Techniques that Help Students Make Good Alternative Choices."

Sponsored by the UK Advising Network and the Office of the Provost, these webinars are produced by the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) and are especially relevant to UK's "war on undergraduate student attrition."

Today's webinar will look at effective communication behaviors to help advisers understand how to deliver bad news to students who may be denied entry to a desired transfer program, or falls below the requirements for a program of study and faces potential dismissal, or has chosen a major that is clearly a very poor fit. Presenters will examine the role of the adviser in teaching the student to reassess, redefine, and redistribute their goals and intentions. Ways to package the news in the best possible light, strategies for better student understanding, alternative paths and follow-up strategies will be offered. Case studies will be provided for follow-up group discussion.

For more information, visit the UK Advising Network at