Ogden Named Education Abroad Director

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 31, 2010) - Anthony C. Ogden, former Associate Director of Education Abroad at Pennsylvania State University, will be the Director of Education Abroad for the University of Kentucky's Office of International Affairs, beginning in August 2010.
Ogden has been an active member of National Association for Foreign Student Affairs: Association of International Educators since 1996, having recently co-facilitated the professional development workshop on funding for education abroad and served as the co-chair of the Japan Special Interest Group.
While at Penn State, Ogden worked with more than 2,000 students annually, who studied abroad on 190 programs in 49 countries. He recently concluded a research study funded by the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence to develop teaching and programming innovations that enhance short-term, faculty-led education abroad programming. His doctoral dissertation focused on the impact of education abroad experiences for the development of greater awareness and capacity among undergraduate students for global citizenship.
“Tony’s combination of professional and scholarly work impressed the search committee,” said Susan Carvalho, associate provost for international programs. “Having him leading the education abroad division will allow us to continue to pursue synergy between OIA and our colleagues across the campus, which will ultimately result in expanded opportunities for our students.”
Ogden has traveled extensively and worked in several countries, including Japan, Vietnam and Cameroon. He participated in the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program, living in Kyushu for three years.
For five years, he was the Director for the Tokyo Center of the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES), where he also taught a course in ethnography entitled, "Social Organization of Japan." During that same period, he served as a lecturer at the , where he taught courses on international business communication and was an invited member of The Research Institute for Japanese Studies.
Ogden holds a bachelor’s degree from Berea College, a Master of International and Intercultural management from the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont and a Ph.D. in Educational Theory and Policy, with a dual title in Comparative and International Education (Penn State, 2010).
Ogden’s scholarly record reflects breadth and expertise; his recent publications include “The View from the Veranda: Understanding Today’s Colonial Student” and “Ethnographic Inquiry: Reframing the Learning Core of Education Abroad.” Both essays were published in Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Abroad.
He also co-authored a book chapter entitled “Defining Terms for Use in Designing Outcomes Projects” in the recently published Guide to Outcomes Assessment in Education Abroad. He recently collaborated to develop a chapter on the history of the diversification of geographic locations for the forthcoming publication, A History of Study Abroad: 1965 to Present, edited by William W. Hoffa. In addition to these publications, Ogden has presented 35 papers at national and international conferences and has been active in obtaining grant funding for the enhancement of education abroad.
OIA supports UK's global vision by providing leadership, raising awareness, facilitating the pursuit of international education and encouraging global collaborations for the University community and the Commonwealth.
Units include Education Abroad, International Student and Scholar Services and Community Outreach. Each year, hundreds of UK students study abroad through one of over 3,000 programs. UK has welcomed international students for more than seven decades.