Volunteers Needed for K Week Activities


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 7, 2015) — K Week, the fall welcome week for new students, is one of the most exciting weeks of the year at the University of Kentucky. It takes the entire Big Blue family to plan and execute a successful week of activities.

There are many opportunities to meet and welcome new students throughout the week. UK President Eli Capilouto recently sent a message inviting all faculty and staff to participate in K Week events. "I encourage you to participate in one or more of our welcoming events scheduled from early morning to late night," Capilouto said.

The first chance UK faculty and staff will have to welcome students will be on Move-In Day. Volunteers are needed to help students unload their belongings onto carts, answer questions, and help them successfully transition into the residence halls.

If you are interested in being a part of this opportunity to make a great first impression on students and their families, visit https://auxweb.ad.uky.edu/movein/signup. You can volunteer for a three-hour shift or longer if you have the time.

Another way to participate in the Move-In experience is to partner with UK Dining and assist with serving complimentary hot dogs and keeping ice bins filled with bottled water. Volunteers are needed for a 30- or 60-minute shift on Wednesday, Aug. 19, and/or Friday, Aug. 21. Service times both days are 10:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. To sign up for a service commitment, contact DeWitt King at dwking1@uky.edu and indicate the time, day and campus neighborhood (north, central or south) that you prefer. All who volunteer will receive information on what to expect.

An informal Parent and Families Reception, scheduled from 6-8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 21, in Starbucks at William T. Young Library, enables families of new students to meet faculty, staff, administrators, veteran UK students, and UK Parent Advisory Council members. The UK Parent and Family Association needs volunteers who can greet guests and answer any questions the families may have. To volunteer for the Parent and Families Reception, send an email with your contact information to parents@lsv.uky.edu

From 3:30-4:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22, all faculty and staff are invited to attend the New Student Induction Ceremony in Memorial Coliseum. This opening convocation closely mirrors Commencement and establishes a tone of academic excellence for our new students. If you would like to participate in the faculty procession at this event, email KWeek@lsv.uky.edu.

One of the largest community service projects in Kentucky, UK For Unity and Service in Our Neighborhoods (UK FUSION), will take place Monday, Aug. 24. The planning committee is asking for UK faculty and staff to volunteer as site advisors for the event. The FUSION team anticipates more than 1,000 UK students serving at nearly 100 community and neighborhood organizations. Each small group is led by one or two student site leaders, and a faculty or staff site advisor. For registration information visit http://uknow.uky.edu/content/fusion-2015-faculty-and-staff-site-advisors-needed or email fusion@ukcco.org.

MEDIA CONTACT: Blair Hoover, 859-257-6398; blair.hoover@uky.edu