Design T-shirt for 2017 Appreciation Day

Appreciation Day T-shirt 2016
Appreciation Day T-shirt 2016

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 1, 2017) -- With University of Kentucky’s Appreciation Day on the horizon, employees have the chance now to design the T-shirt to be given away at the May 25 event.

T-shirt designs must feature no more than two colors and be suitable for a royal blue shirt. Three designs will be chosen and voted on by the university community in late March. The winning design will be approved by UK Public Relations and Marketing. Some minor modifications may be necessary.

T-shirt designs must be submitted to the Staff Senate office at by March 1, 2017. The winner will receive a prize from the UKAD Commission.

UK will take time out from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, May 25, to say thanks to all those who make the university a prosperous, connected academic community. Traditional activities that employees have enjoyed over the years -- food, live music, exhibits and the UK T-shirt giveaway – are planned, as well as some new ways for employees to engage in the annual event. Activities will take place at the Seaton Center Gymnasium and Pieratt Field (corner of Cooper and University Drive). Participation in all activities is free.

UK Appreciation Day is sponsored by the Office of the President, coordinated by the Staff Senate, and brought to you by the Appreciation Day Commission.

For more information, contact the Office of the Staff Senate program coordinator Brittany Begley at or UKAD Commission chair Melissa Barger at