Lend Your Voice to Rape and Abuse Survivors by Creating Square for the Monument Quilt

photo of UK's Monument Quilt event poster
photo of Monument Quilt event poster at UK

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 16, 2018) The University of Kentucky School of Arts and Visual Studies will be the first group in Kentucky to participate in the Monument Quilt — a project that brings individuals and communities together to help them grieve and heal from rape and abuse. The public, survivors and allies alike, is invited to come create a quilt square and share their story 6-9 p.m. Thursday, April 19, and 1-4 p.m. Friday, April 20, in the atrium of the Art and Visuals Studies Building.

The Monument Quilt project is a public healing platform for and by survivors of rape and abuse. Through the creation of quilt squares, survivors and allies can come together to share their personal stories. Each quilt square will be added to one complete piece which will be displayed at the National Mall, in Washington, D.C., next month. Groups and organizations from all over the country are participating in the project.

The creation of this national quilt proposes a new culture where survivors are publicly supported, not publicly shamed. It is not only a platform to tell survivors' stories, but to work together to forever change how Americans respond to rape. By stitching their stories together, the project's community is demanding public space for healing.

Written, stitched and painted accounts tell many stories, not just one. Today, over 1,000 collected quilt squares have been displayed in 22 different cities across the United States. In D.C., 6,000 fabric squares will blanket over one mile of the national mall to spell "Not Alone."

Assistant Professor of Fiber Arts Crystal Gregory, along with UK alumna Katherine Smith and graduate student Madison Cowles Serna, have worked together to organize this event. Survivors, loved ones and supporters from across the Bluegrass are welcome to come heal and support those who have fallen victim to rape and abuse by making a square.

All tools and equipment will be provided. There will be a sewing area, painting area and iron-on area in the Art and Visual Studies Building for this event. There will also be refreshments and resources. As the quilt squares are finished, organizers will be hanging them up in the school’s atrium. 

In addition to materials, there will be volunteers at the event from Ampersand Sexual Violence Resource Center of the Bluegrass, in case anyone needs to talk.

The Monument Quilt project visit to UK is being made possible with support from UK’s Stitch Club.

The UK School of Art and Visual Studies, at the UK College of Fine Arts, is an accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in the fields of art studio, art history and visual studiesart education, and digital media and design.