Campus Conversations Highlight Passion and Excellence Across UK

Our students have just completed midterm exams here at the University of Kentucky, and midway through the first semester of my "freshman year" at UK, I've spent some time reflecting on all I have learned during my first few months in the Commonwealth. The University of Kentucky is an outstanding institution with exemplary faculty, staff and students. We have passionate alumni who care deeply for their alma mater. I am excited about where we are going and the potential of our flagship institution.
One of the first things that I did when I arrived on July 1 was launch a series of campus conversations with each of our academic colleges. The information I learned and the people I met have proved to be invaluable resources as we began formulating the plan announced at the Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 25.
These conversations have been featured as a special series on UKNow, the University's official news website, and I want to share them with you, my loyal blog readers. Over the next few weeks, you'll read about my experiences with each of the colleges. I hope these provide you with insights to the great things happening on our campus.
Until then "see blue." and Go Cats,