Professional News

UKAg Dairy Faculty, Students Win National Awards

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 5, 2015)  University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment dairy faculty and students recently received awards at the American Dairy Science Association annual meeting in Champaign, Illinois.

Jeffrey Bewley, an associate extension professor in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences received the ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in dairy production. The award was created to recognize a young scholar from the production division and their potential to identify critical issues affecting the future of the dairy industry through research and educational leadership. Special requirements include 10 years or less since a final academic degree, current active membership in the ADSA, exemplary research or educational programs and potential for future leadership.

Bewley also received the Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award. The award was created to recognize outstanding research by dairy production scientists less than 39 years old, during the first 10 years of their professional career who have demonstrated outstanding research in dairy cattle production areas within five years immediately prior to the year of the award, had original research work published, and been a member of the ADSA for at least five successive years.

Bewley applies a systems approach in his research and extension program and focuses on precision dairy farming and decision‐support tools for producers. He has received support for his research and extension program totaling $1.7 million, contributed 25 articles to refereed journals, delivered eight conference papers and 29 invited national and international presentations.

William Silvia, dairy professor in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences received the Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production. This award was created to recognize outstanding teaching of undergraduate students in dairy science. The winner must have demonstrated outstanding teaching ability in an accredited college or university, been an active teacher when nominated with at least10 years of prior teaching experience and been a member of the ADSA for at least five successive years.

Silvia has been involved in undergraduate instruction since  1985. During this time, he has been the principal instructor in several courses including introduction to animal science, reproductive physiology and dairy science. He emphasizes hands‐on, experiential learning both inside and outside the classroom. Silvia has been an active mentor for students conducting undergraduate research. He developed and incorporated new technologies and instructional techniques in the classroom. For many students, he has served as a strong, positive, first exposure to dairy production.

UK dairy science students also received honors from the ADSA in the student affiliate division, which seeks to develop leadership and promote scholarship among students interested in pursuing careers in the dairy industry. Savannah Meade received first place in dairy foods, and Megan Hardy received first place in original research.

Brack Seale was elected second vice president of the division, and Bewley was elected to serve as the third year adviser.


MEDIA CONTACT: Aimee Nielson, 859-257-7707.