Y.T. Cheng Elected Fellow of the Materials Research Society

Cheng was cited for “enduring research contributions to ion-solid interactions, shape-memory surfaces, superhydrophobicity, tribology, instrumented indentation and high-capacity durable lithium-ion batteries,” as well as distinguished leadership and service in the materials community.
Cheng received his doctorate from Caltech in applied physics in 1987 and spent 20 years as a research scientist and technical fellow at the General Motors R&D Center in Warren, Mich. He joined the University of Kentucky faculty in 2008. Cheng was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2005.
The MRS Fellows Program was established in 2008, and the 2013 class brings the total number of MRS Fellows to 179 internationally. Cheng will be formally recognized at the Spring MRS Meeting in April in San Francisco.
More information on Cheng’s research is available at: